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NPO法人Movement for Language and Culture Japan



 NPO法人MLC Japanの代表が2018年夏にケープタウンに2ヶ月間滞在し、南アフリカの多言語政策の調査をして記事を書くボランティアに参加した。その時タウンシップを訪れ、その劣悪な環境に驚き言葉を失った。その時インタビューをしたタウンシップに住み、ドロップアウトもギャングも経験し、今政治を学ぶ大学生の「今、学校にもどって勉強をしているのは、将来南アフリカの貧富のギャップをなくしたいから」という夢を聞いた。そして、日本の若者に南アフリカの貧困問題の現状を当事者の生の声で伝え話し合う場を作りたいと思った。それがそれぞれの貧困問題解決へ向けての自分に可能な行動の一歩へとつなげられたらと思った。そして、その大学生の招聘を決めた。



  1. 南アフリカのケープタウンのタウンシップ在住の大学1年生1名を10日間招聘して日本の高校を訪問し、訪問先のクラスで、お互いの国の現状や課題を理解することを目的に、プレゼンテーションと意見交換を行う。その際、南アフリカ(プラン2はプラス日本)の貧困問題について事前準備を依頼する。

    • プラン1:招待生から南アフリカの貧困に関する現状を説明し、同国の貧困問題について話し合う

    • プラン2:日本での貧困問題について発表してもらい、日本の貧困問題について話し合う

  2. 招聘した大学生に日本の伝統文化や現代若者文化を体験してもらい、日本をより深く知ってもらう。




  1. 日本の若者たちが、タウンシップに暮らす青年の生の声での南アフリカの貧困問題の現状を聞き、問題点を考え解決に向けてどのようなことが行われているのか、自分たちに何ができるかなどを青年との意見交換を通して、リアルに考えることができる。そして、考えることだけに止まらず、その青年が一歩行動を起こしているように、その先の行動を起こす一歩に発展させることへつなげていくことができる。

  2. また、プラン2の場合日本の貧困問題についても話し合い互いに学ぶことは、 訪問先学校に南アフリカと日本の貧困問題について事前準備を依頼するため、学生たちのディスカッションも意義深いものとなる。


  1. プレゼンテーションおよびディスカッション




         (1) プレゼンテーション










  (2) ディスカッション

    プラン2:プラン1& 日本の貧困問題

  (1) プレゼンテーション


  (2) ディスカッション


2. 体験学習


【スケジュール】招聘される人:Matthew Williams氏 大学2年生 南アフリカ   期間:2020/1月7日(火)〜1月19日(日)




















横浜市立 横浜商業高校 国際学科Y-Kokusai

YSF(Yokohama Student Forum): 国際学科は英語による地球規模の問題について話し合う国際学生会議を主催している。1881年設立、国際学科は2003年に開設。学生フォーラム「YSF2019―貧困」が2019年12月21日に開催された。以下は国際学科の生徒作成の資料





2020年1月10日(金)  2時間目 9:45-10:30  11年生 38人参加

  1. プレゼンテーション: 南アフリカの現状と貧困問題 (50分)

1)南アフリにおける貧困問題とは (30分)

 ① 現在、どのように当時のアパルトヘイト政策が貧困に影響を与えているか。



   ・タウンシップとは何か                             Mr. Williams with the students



 ② 政府と社会は貧困問題の解決に向けてどのようなことを行こなっているのか

 ③ Matthewの貧困問題の解決に向けての第1歩の取り組みは

 ④ あなたの貧困問題の解決に向けての可能な1歩は

 2)Q&A (20分)


Dr. Ohyama, Mr. Isobe (Principal) 

Mr. Williams, and Mr. Yagisawa  

K International Schoolでの発表

January 16, 2020  11:00 – 11:50  10年生 33人参加









  ・南アフリカのタウンシップ とは何か






2)Q & A (20 分)

Student’s reflection on the Presentation by Mr. Matthew Williams

   Mr. Williams is currently a student of False Bay College where he is studying in his senior phase. Born in post-Apartheid South Africa, Mr. Williams presented to us the history of oppression under the Apartheid laws and a shocking first-handed experience of living in a recovering country wound of racial divides.

Mr. Williams experiences living in South Africa – The difficulties he and his colleagues face on a daily basis in South Africa

   Mr. Williams shared with us his life of growing up in the Vrygrond Township. Townships are specific areas which were set aside for non-white occupation during the time when Apartheid still existed; a primary encounter to the impacts of the Apartheid laws that still remain today. He explained to us how he spent his childhood in poverty, with is parents unable to fully sustain his family – which was not uncommon in the township. From a young age he had to learn to fend for himself in the dangerous neighborhood, finding the most difficulty in continuing school himself, telling us about a shocking past of being a gang member and dropping out of middle school. He highlighted how young children were constantly looking up to gangsters and unfortunately had involved themselves in drugs, alcohol, and violence. He said many of his friends including himself were victims of violence, and he emphasized how he had to carry a weapon at all times, even when attending school. He shared with us episodes of being chased by other gang members in a different township when attending school and a shocking experience of being stabbed twice.


How he has escaped his life in South Africa

   The turning point in his life, he said, was when switched on his motivation and decided to focus on getting an education. He explained how faith in a religion – going to church – had given him the starting motivation to change. He quit doing drugs, left his gang, and completed his high school education and successfully was able to enter a college. He was scouted into ProjectsAbroad through his skills in debate which is the reason why we were able to have this valuable learning experience.

Why he wants the world to know his message:

   Mr. Williams emphasized how the lack of education as a norm for black South African people, was a root cause of the poverty and social inequality in the country. As previously mentioned, gangs and gang-related crime is still extremely common, and this causes young children and capably adults to lose the opportunity to finish the education which could change their lives. He also stressed how the South African government was not functioning as well as the people wished, although he did mention several organizations which strived to help the people escape poverty.

What did you learn from the presentation and how can that help you going forward?

   Mr. Williams’s story and experiences were so incommensurable from ours, many of us were aghast and disillusioned. Mr. Williams gave us a completely new perspective on poverty and racial conflicts and we were able to encounter a reality that we could never have understood unless he openly shared his experience with us, and for that, we would like to thank him greatly. This whole session had a very positive impact on our perspective of the world. We were all inspired and realized the value receiving an education. We recognized that the intense studies and assessments that we take for granted, is life changing in the world in South Africa. Thus, we students are encouraged to put even more effort into out education so that we could grow up as knowledgeable and compassionate adults.


2020年1月17日(金)  15:10-16:00  9年生 70人参加

プレゼンテーション: 南アフリカの現状と貧困問題 (50分)

1)南アフリにおける貧困問題とは (30分)










2)Q&A (20分)


NPO法人 MLC Japan
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